How to Draw Britney Spears Step by Step

Britney Spears - Conservatorship Ended #FreedBritney | Page 4882 | The Popjustice Forum
  1. It's probably fair to say that people who worked with Britney, had to sign NDA's, people who were in her environment all may have known or had an idea of what was going on. But as it pertains to the particular person she called out - Christina Aguilera has not seen or worked around Britney in over 15 years. Why would she be privy to anything going on with Britney just because they're both in show business? And Christina spent most of this last decade being a mom anyway.

    To be clear this is about Erin's tweets.

  2. Felt like doing something with Swimming In The Stars.
  3. Britney really was on a level of her own from the Britney-In The Zone eras. People throw the term 'imperial phase' around a lot nowadays but she really brought her A game to every single performance back then and bear in mind there was a relentless amount of promo back in those days. I honestly have no idea how she did it.
  4. The girl must have never been off a fucking plane. She was repeatedly on CD:UK and Top of the Pops and every other show you can think of. A 10am Saturday morning performance was as iconic as anything you'd see at a big awards show. Nobody worked harder than Britney.
  5. This is actually beyond top tier popstar! She was on a whole other level! On her own level.
  6. I will say, after watching the recent videos where Gaga was questioned about Britney on several occasions, she approached it such a thoughtful and sensitive manner that I highly respect. These were on some of the biggest nights in her acting career and she still made the effort to give a thoughtful and loving response without hesitation.
  7. Yes I think most pop stars should be aware of the developments in Britney's situation and could spend 5 minutes pondering what to day when asked, perhaps when they sit in the make up chair. Just spend a moment to think of something sensitive to say.

    Really, what's so scary about the conservatorship and what Britney is trying to highlight, is that it happens to so many people out of the spotlight because of spurious medical opinions. I think a lot of online commentary is missing the bigger picture that Britney wants to draw attention to.

  8. Is it so shocking that Britney thinks Christina is a hypocrite?


  9. Gaga already answering "of course she'd collab" with Britney before the mic was even put up to her mouth sent me.
  10. So... let me play devil's advocate and reassess how I feel about this because the armchair psychology over who knew what in the business is starting to grate. I personally didn't know about this Happy Birthday Fausto thing until this happened and from Christina's perspective I'm pretty sure she would've seen or heard about it after it was deleted and hasn't taken kindly to it? I mean... I wouldn't. Considering that birthday message had nothing to do with Jamie Spears, it would honestly be a slap in the face to see your abusive, estranged father brought up out of the blue by Britney. So if Brit feels wronged by Christina, maybe Xtina felt the same way a few weeks ago... and such is life. It may seem tit for tat but actually both subjects here are things that are traumatic and triggering for both women. It goes beyond just a made-up feud from 20 years ago. And it goes beyond the conservatorship because actually if Britney wants to make catty comments online, here are the consequences. There's no way for her to learn from that other than to live it.

    This is under the assumption Xtina knows what Britney wrote, and with the type of people she keeps around her I have no doubt it would've been fed back to her. And I don't mean that in a bad way I just think Xtina's team is very online/gay.

  11. Not as shocking as still having to walk into these tired "gotcha!" takes in the year of our Lord 2021.
  12. Exactly. This is a common reason why, for a lot of other issues, people just won't speak up, fear of retaliation.
  13. I have wondered though how much her childhood friends Jansen, Laura, Christina and especially Justin (given they were together for quite some time) knew about the toxic dynamic of the Spears family.

    Not about the conservatorship being a literal human rights violation that requires their intervention, I'd quickly add, but more if it at least gave them pause that her father became the conservator when she grew up in an abusive household. I remember that one of the co-stars on the Mickey Mouse Club came out recently saying her family had strange behavior even then. Or maybe she just didn't open up to a lot of people about it, which is also very likely.

  14. This type of post is nothing but exhausting.
  15. This is exactly what I began thinking before, and in Christina's position maybe I'd lay off making any comments if Britney saw the name Jamie on her posts and got triggered. She probably wouldn't know the best way to handle it. Fausto is such a distinct name, so it could have been relayed back to her.
  16. It's funny seeing people trying to come up with excuses for Xtina when the only victim in this situation is Britney. It almost feels like some of you are trying to invalidate her feelings and dictate her behavior, which is hypocritical at best. We fought for her to have a voice so we shouldn't be policing how she uses it. It's her life. Her anger is valid.
  17. Legitimately no one is doing this.
  18. It's getting hard to let you run rampant in this thread.

    A) Britney has been through a massively traumatic journey. Britney herself. She is going to have responses to that trauma, and while she is justified in her feelings, that doesn't excuse when she may or may not make mistakes.

    B) There is not a single celebrity that fans can implore to owe anything to Britney, at any given time. The people that owe her something, if anything, are those closest to her, that played a role in that traumatic journey, and possibly stood standby in inaction. The general public, the #FreeBritney movement, and anyone not directly privy to that information can only speculate who those people might be. Vilifying Christina won't bring anyone any type of restitution.

    C) The #FreeBritney movement did mobilize to highlight the possibility of wrongdoing within the conservatorship, but it was ultimately Britney's own audio testimony that set the tone of events beginning in June. When fans state "we fought for her to have a voice" that is the exact same energy of co-authoring Britney's narrative and steering it as has been done by many people before. This isn't your story to tell and speaking on behalf of Britney in a tone that consistently paints her as a victim that fans get to save~ does her a disservice. Britney belongs to herself. It's entirely easy to be a fan of someone and admit that you don't have to defend everything that they do to be seen as a credible and acceptable fan of said celebrity. It's her story; step back.

How to Draw Britney Spears Step by Step


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